Mobile technology in Sudan: 2017 Fact File

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Sudan is the 3rd largest country in Africa and has a population of 34 million. But it doesn’t show up often in news about mobile or telecoms on the continent. That doesn’t mean that it is a pushover or that nothing is happening in that space. This article highlights statistics and fact about mobile technology in Sudan.

Facts About Mobile technology in Sudan

Here are a few interesting facts as at Q1 2017:

  • Mobile Subscribers: 27 Million
  • Smartphone Users: 9 Million
  • Internet users: 12 million
  • Mobile Money subscribers: 1 Million in 4 months since the launch
  • Country Calling code: +249
mobile technology in Sudan

Mobile Operators in Sudan

Mobile network operators in Sudan include:

  • Zain Sudan
  • Sudani One
  • MTN Sudan
  • Canartel (Canar Telecommunications)

Zain Sudan is the country’s largest mobile operator and was also the first to deploy 4G LTE services in April 2016.

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By Mister Mobility

I have been tech blogging since 2003, I have owned and reviewed hundreds of cell phones since my first in 2001. I do not review any smartphone without using it as my primary device for at least two weeks.

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