Why Does My Phone Discharge So Quickly and How to Fix It

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One careless action is enough to ruin the battery in your smartphone forever. Read and remember why your phone discharges quickly and what it is better to never do with your device.

Even the most expensive and high-quality smartphone at some point begins to charge more slowly and does not hold a charge well. No matter how carefully you use your phone, the battery has a limited service life that is almost impossible to influence. However, sometimes your phone may begin to discharge quickly not because of old age, but for completely different reasons.

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Why Does the Phone Discharge Quickly: The Main Reasons

Many modern smartphones are quite whimsical and “delicate”. One careless move can ruin their battery forever. There can be a lot of reasons why the phone began to discharge quickly – we will look at the most basic of them.

Old Battery

Smartphone batteries have an expiration date. On average, a battery is destined to last 2-3 years of active use. After which it begins to age: the phone quickly runs out in the cold, a full charge does not last even a day, and the case gradually swells. However, battery life can be significantly reduced if used incorrectly. For example, when overheated in the sun or when charging a smartphone with a low-quality device. Sometimes in such situations it’s really easier to get a new phone. But if you didn’t plan to do this, take your old one to the service center and ask to replace the battery.

To begin with, in order not to spend money on diagnostics at a service center, you can check the battery capacity yourself. To do this, download the AccuBattery for Android or Battery Life for iOS controller application to your device . Activate it while the phone is charging. If the actual battery capacity shown by the program is less than what is officially declared by the manufacturer, it’s time to change the battery.

This can be done by contacting the official service center of the manufacturer of your device. They will definitely supply you with an original battery that will serve you well for several years.

However, today this may be difficult. The official centers of Apple, Xiaomi and Samsung are currently operating intermittently in Russia. For this reason, you can try contacting any unofficial smartphone repair center. However, in this case, you should be very careful when choosing a company – it is important that they use only original parts or very high-quality copies.

In addition, try to use only original and proven chargers. Remember: the stingy pays twice, so too cheap chargers can play a cruel joke on you. Saving a few hundred rubles on a wire and plug can later turn into an overpayment for replacing the battery or buying a new phone. The fact is that low-quality chargers increase the load on the battery and quickly wear it out, which is why the phone begins to constantly discharge.

Vibration and Constantly Running Communication Modules

Vibration in silent mode consumes more energy than a regular ringtone, and, accordingly, the phone discharges faster because of this. In addition, turning on vibration feedback on the keyboard negatively affects the battery.

Another problem is that your smartphone constantly checks the quality of the connection and the availability of the network so that everything is perfect for incoming and outgoing calls. This also causes the battery to lose charge faster.

Ways to solve the problem:

Change the settings to stop your smartphone from vibrating when you type or receive message notifications. This will cause the battery to drain more slowly. Turn off the keyboard vibration response – this is an unnecessary feature that will only wear out your battery.

If you need your phone to not consume any energy at all, turn on airplane mode or standby mode – this way the charge will be consumed 5 times slower. If you cannot afford to leave the access zone, turn off mobile Internet and Wi-Fi, and turn them on only when necessary. By the way, when it is possible to safely connect to Wi-Fi, it is better to use it – this way the battery wears out more slowly than with a constant connection to the mobile Internet.

Extra Functions

Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi, AirDrop, mobile Internet functions that work unnecessarily greatly reduce battery performance. When everything is activated at once, the battery life of the gadget is reduced and the phone begins to discharge faster. In addition, the battery is damaged by unnecessary decorations such as live wallpapers or animated widgets. They may look beautiful and interesting, but the battery drains much faster with them, and the phone may start to work slower or lag.

To ensure your smartphone’s battery life doesn’t drain like a high roller at a casino, consider closing unnecessary background apps and disabling location services when indulging in your favorite online sports betting activities.

Ways to solve the problem:

Disable all unnecessary and unnecessary features and decorations. The best thing for your device is to limit yourself to a regular screensaver image without a live clock or animation. Also, keep apps you rarely use in your smartphone’s menu—too many shortcuts on the home screen can significantly reduce battery life.

Try to turn off Bluetooth when you are not using it. Even if headphones or a speaker are not connected to the phone, the activated Bluetooth function noticeably eats up the charge.

Reduce screen time. Typically, by default, the screen turns off after 30 seconds or a minute of inactivity. However, manually this time can be reduced, for example, to 10 seconds – this will significantly save your battery.

Turn on power saving and night mode – excellent assistant functions that help save battery power and reduce background activity on the device.

Too Many Notifications

The more notifications you receive from various applications on your phone, the more your battery is consumed. By the way, charging is wasted not only because of this: we constantly check the screen, reacting to every sound. Over time, the habit becomes detrimental to the battery. Additionally, many of the apps can auto-update automatically even if you don’t need it.

Ways to solve the problem:

It often happens that we “automatically” agree to send notifications that are completely unnecessary to us – for example, calls to enter a particular game. Check in the settings to see if you have unnecessary notifications connected that are draining your phone. It’s better to leave notifications turned on only for those applications that you really use on a regular basis, for example, instant messengers.

In your smartphone settings, disable auto-update for all applications at once or leave only those you need. Such an “audit” of the application has one more advantage – at the moment when you configure their notifications and auto-updates, check whether you have any unnecessary programs installed and remove the unnecessary ones.

Background Applications

Background apps like VPN, antivirus, or health tracker don’t stop running even when you lock your phone, which means they negatively impact performance and cause your device to drain faster. Many of these programs remain running in the background to download updates or send you notifications or statistics.

Ways to solve the problem:

If you always need to be in touch and you are afraid of missing an important message, it is better not to turn off the background mode, for example, in instant messengers. However, in all other cases, to prevent your phone from draining so quickly, go to the settings, to the “Battery” (iOS) or “Battery” (Android) section, and try to optimize background activity.

Location Tracking

Constantly monitoring your geolocation requires a lot of battery life and quickly drains your phone. Stop apps from tracking your location to save battery. Besides, there is absolutely no point in having this feature active all the time.

Ways to solve the problem:

Disable permanent location tracking. Turn on GPS only when you are using a navigator, maps, taxi or other applications, for example, with information about public transport.

If you have not hesitated to allow the application to “constantly use your location”, it is also better to disable this function. You can find out which applications use GPS in the “Location” section of your phone settings.

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