5 Things That Can Get Your Social Media Account Suspended

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Many of us can’t actually live without some social media apps. We check them every minute to see some of our friend’s updates and to read the latest. One of the biggest nightmares we experience on social media is getting your account banned. Many people don’t even get to know the reason they were banned. They just notice they can’t access the account any longer. It could be really frustrating especially when you have gathered so many followers on that particular account.

This ban is caused by some activity on the social media account deemed suspicious. Now we are going to examine five of such activities that can get your social media account suspended.

Your Social Media Account Suspended

Creepin’ On Friends

For Snapchat users, 3rd party apps that help you screenshot chats is a big no-no. Not only is this act creepy, it gives room for hackers to break into accounts and leak personal photos. So basically, if Snapchat doesn’t include a function, you are not allowed to give it access to your snap chat account.

Asking For Money

On Tinder, you can’t put the words “Venmo me” in your profile or even ask people to send you money, not even as a joke! This is rule very simple. The company doesn’t want beggars on their app. So if you don’t want your account suspended, don’t beg.

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Showing Nudes

This is a very controversial one. Despite several protests from the “Free the Nipple” movement, nudity is still strictly forbidden on Instagram. The only type of nudity allowed on the app is of images of “women actively breastfeeding” and nudity in paintings and sculptures.

Dealing Drugs

As the popular saying goes “Say no to drugs’, social media apps are really kicking against the illegal use of drugs or any form of drug abuse. So if you put “$$$ for drugs” on your status, you would be banned.

Making Too Many Friends Too Fast

This is quite funny. How does making too many friends become a problem? Let me explain. Once you start gaining friends like crazy on Snapchat, do well to verify your email and phone number or else, the computer might take your account as a spammer or bot and suspend your account.

These are some of the things that can get your social media account suspended, whether it is Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, or some other platform.

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