How do you turn off ad blocking for Mobility Arena?

MobilityArena is an advertising supported website and we noticed you have ad-blocking enabled. We thank you for your willingness to turn off ad blocking for this site. Doing so ensures that we are able to generate income to keep our opwerations running.

Your online safety is important to us. As such, we are particular about our ad inventory to avoid malicious ads that might put you atr risk. So you can turn off ad blocking with peace of mind.

How do you turn off ad blocking for

Please follow the steps for your particular Web browser and ad blocker:

CHROME (Windows and Mac)

Adblock Plus for Chrome
With any Mobility Arena page open in the selected browser tab:
  1. On the Chrome toolbar, click the red Adblock Plus (“ABP”) icon to open its menu.
  2. Click “Enabled on this site” to toggle it so that it reads “Disabled on this site.”
  3. The Adblock Plus icon will turn gray indicating that it is temporarily off.
  4. Click Continue to Site on the pop-up message you may have received from Mobility Arena.
AdBlock for Chrome
With any Mobility Arena page open in the selected browser tab:
  1. On the Chrome toolbar, click the AdBlock hand icon to open its menu.
  2. Click the “Don’t run on pages on this domain” menu option.
  3. An AdBlock settings box will open; click the Exclude button.
  4. The AdBlock icon will turn green with a thumbs-up sign indicating that it is temporarily off.
  5. Click Continue to Site on the pop-up message you may have received from Mobility Arena.

FIREFOX (Windows and Mac)

Adblock Plus for Firefox
With any Mobility Arena page open in the selected browser tab:
  1. On the Firefox toolbar, click the red Adblock Plus (“ABP”) icon to open its menu.
  2. Click “Disable on”
  3. The Adblock Plus icon will turn gray indicating that it is temporarily off.


Adblock Plus for Internet Explorer
With any Mobility Arena page open in the selected browser tab:
  1. On the Internet Explorer status bar (bottom right corner), click the red Adblock Plus (“ABP”) icon to open its menu.
  2. Click “Disable on”
  3. The Adblock Plus icon will turn gray indicating that it is temporarily off.
  4. Click Continue to Site on the pop-up message you may have received from Mobility Arena.


Adblock Plus for Safari
With any Mobility Arena page open in the selected browser tab:
  1. On the Safari toolbar, click the Adblock Plus (“ABP”) icon to open its menu.
  2. Click “Enabled on this site” to toggle it so that it reads “Disabled on this site.”
  3. Click Continue to Site on the pop-up message you may have received from Mobility Arena.


Adblock Plus for Mobile Safari
  1. Select and copy Mobility Arena’s domain name:
  2. Tap the Adblock Plus program icon to open it; on the next screen, tap the wrench and screwdriver icon on the bottom.
  3. Tap “Whitelisted Websites.”
  4. Under “Add Website to Whitelist,” paste the domain name and then tap the blue + button.
  5. Tap Continue to Site on the pop-up message you may have received from Mobility Arena.
AdBlock and other ad blockers
  1. To temporarily disable all ad blockers and content blockers, long-press Safari’s reload button (semicircle with an arrow at top) on the right side of the address bar.
  2. An iOS menu will appear at the bottom of the screen; tap “Reload without content blockers.”
  3. To turn content blocking back on, just tap the reload button again.
  4. Tap Continue to Site on the pop-up message you may have received from Mobility Nigeria.
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