How to Add Links to Instagram Stories: The Complete Guide

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If you’re looking to increase traffic to your website, and therefore increase conversions and sales, it’s a good idea to add links to Instagram Stories. Instagram had initially removed its swipe-up feature that helped with this, but the good news is that it’s still possible to add links to Instagram Stories with link stickers.

So, if you’re not already familiar with this process, we’ve created this guide for you. Keep reading to learn how to add links to Instagram Stories, and take advantage of this knowledge to grow your brand and revenue.

How to Add Links to Instagram Stories

What is the Instagram Link Sticker?

The Swipe up feature has been replaced with the Instagram Link Sticker, which allows users to add links to Instagram Stories. By enabling brands and influencers to directly add external links to Instagram Stories, the Instagram Swipe up tool helped them reach their audiences and increase their followings.

Since the Swipe up feature was removed, the simplest way to use Instagram to promote external products and content is through story Link Stickers. Instagram analytics also allows you to monitor link clicks for this purpose.

According to Instagram, the link sticker offers three key advantages over the swipe-up feature when it comes to adding links to stories:

● Users are already accustomed to and like using stickers for a variety of purposes, including music, questions, polls, and locations.

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● Stickers provide you with greater creative freedom to design a Story’s appearance than swipe-up links did.

● Most importantly, viewers can interact with a Story using stickers rather than the swipe-up feature, which did not support responses or reactions.

It’s also pretty easy to add links to Instagram stories with link stickers, as we’ve described in the next section.

How Can I Add Links to Instagram Stories with the Instagram Link Sticker?

Follow the instructions below carefully to add links to Instagram Stories with link stickers:

● Tap the + sign and choose Story in the Instagram app (rather than Reel, Post, or Live).

● Use any media you have at your disposal to create your story.

● The Sticker icon is located in the top row, click on it.

● Next, fill in the URL.

● Enter the call to action or text for the sticker (e.g., “Click to read”)

● Paste the sticker on your Story

● To resize the Story, pinch and adjust as you please

● To switch between the available color schemes, tap on the option you prefer (black, blue, beige, white, etc.)

● Afterward, click the option to send to your Story, and you’re all done.

If you follow the above instructions correctly, you’ll be able to add links to Instagram Stories easily. 

How Can I Customize Instagram Link Sticker Designs?

Apart from having to add links to Instagram stories, you may also have to further customize link sticker designs to suit your brand’s preferences. 

Thankfully, this is possible, so follow the instructions we’ve provided if the link sticker designs are not satisfactory for your brand’s aesthetic.

Here’s how to do it:

● Following the same instructions provided above, create your Instagram Story and include a link sticker.

● Next, open your preferred design application.

● Create a sticker that has a clear, on-brand call to action (for instance, “Tap here” or “Read more”).

● Export the sticker as a transparent PNG file to your smartphone.

● Add your personalized sticker to your Instagram Story draft by returning to your phone’s photo album or files.

● Paste the personalized sticker over your link sticker.

● You’re all done!

An important thing to note is that you should keep track of your Story metrics to improve your click-through rate. Ensure that your call to action is clear, and don’t stuff too much content into one Instagram post, especially if you aren’t receiving as many clicks as you would want.

In summary, sharing links with your Instagram audience can help you achieve both relationship-building and conversion goals. The instructions in this guide will help you add links to Instagram stories and increase awareness for your brand. Make sure to follow them correctly to get the best possible results.

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