The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Fire Bird is too hot to handle

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On paper, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is a heck of a beast. It is arguable that this was destined to be the Tyrannosaurus Rex (T-Rex) of its time. This was a smartphone that looked destined to rule the land. But in a shocking plot twist, the Note 7 has turned out to be what one would call a haunted smartphone. Here is the story of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Fire Bird.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7: Great Specs, Huge Demand

The demand for the Galaxy Note 7 was huge. It was so huge that Samsung could not meet up with the demand in many places. Pre-order records were great. This was going to be one of the bestselling devices of the year 2016.

The Galaxy Note 7 Fire Bird Arises

fire bird
Like the legendary Phoenix fire bird, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 arises and burns to ashes. Image Credit

Nobody saw it coming. Samsung devices are not given to catching fire. But one after the other, news and reports of exploding Note 7 units filtered in. A battery defect was supposedly generating excessive heat and triggering the fires. See “Why the new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is blowing up”. Eventually, Samsung had to recall the device.

Phoenix Reborn

Towards the end of September 2016, Samsung resumed sale of the Galaxy Note 7 with replacement batteries from another source. But the ghost that haunted the Note 7 wasn’t quite done yet. Another set of replacement units of the Note 7 began to catch fire again. It looks like the spirit of the legendary Phoenix is involved here. Perhaps the issue with the Galaxy Note 7 isn’t that of faulty batteries alone. Samsung is investigating.

Total Recall 2

Samsung has again issued a statement requesting that all owners and users of the Note 7 turn them off and return them. Part of the official statement says:

Samsung is working with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to investigate the recently reported cases involving the Galaxy Note7. While the investigation is taking place, Samsung is asking all carrier and retail partners here and around the globe to stop sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note7. Since the affected devices can overheat and pose a safety risk, we are asking consumers with an original Galaxy Note7 or a replacement Galaxy Note7 to power it down and contact the carrier or retail outlet where you purchased your Galaxy Note7.

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Stay Away For Now

This must be a strenuous time for Samsung Mobile. This is a crisis that no brand wants to have on their hands. Yet, if any smartphone maker in the world can survive this, Samsung can. In the meantime, if you own a Galaxy Note 7, stay safe and switch it off. Swap it for an S7 or S7 Edge, or get a refund.

If you were planning on buying one, you might want to look for alternatives in the market or wait till when the manufacturer has fixed the Galaxy Note 7 Fire Bird. In all, Samsung has recalled about 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 smartphones.

The Phoenix Is Dead

On the 11th October, 2016, Samsung announced that it is ending production of the Galaxy Note 7. It is a sad ending for the Note 7, but killing it off was the expedient thing to do. Samsung is better off cutting its loses and moving on. RIP, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Fire Bird. Your fiery life was short but lived in a blaze.

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By Mister Mobility

I have been tech blogging since 2003, I have owned and reviewed hundreds of cell phones since my first in 2001. I do not review any smartphone without using it as my primary device for at least two weeks.

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